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   Sarah Mock


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       vanitas, 2010

      space installation, screens, beamer, TV, player, pedestals, stuffed turtle


      The visitor is surrounded by an installation of different TV's, Beamer and screens and several sounds. The images evoke associations about the apperception of time and caducity. Moths and doves are dying, an ephemeral natural phenomenon became       

        endless, turtles freeze and awake and a young woman illustrates on a monitor the different possible apperceptions of time of the same person in the same room. Although the images create a mood of melancholy, the visitor can find a pinch of humour: On a

       screen you can see how the stuffed dead turtle, which is real part of the installation, explores the formal pedestal assembling of the installation and turns it absurd. Inside of the pedestal, the turtle discovers with clacking eyelids the image of the doves, which  in

        death swim in common with red petals inside of a fountain. Other associations can be discovered by the visitor who engages with the installation.                                                                                                                                        









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