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   Sarah Mock


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   soliloquy, 2012                                        


  Closed- Cirquit- Installation with two laptops, skype and webcams





Two laptops facing each other, send spoken words via skype about the topic „soliloquy“. Normal skyping means speaking with the computer, here the human being becomes dispensable. Both computers are filming the opposite screen, sending this back via skype and speaking with the opposite, which constitutes a closed installation, a computer- soliloquy.

Interesting soliloquys imply a bright conversational partner. (H.G.Wells)

Who always wants to say the first and the last word, is well endowed with soliloquys. (E. Ferstl)

Thinking is the soliloquy of the soul. (Plato)

Doesn‘t one always speak the way one things? (J.W. Goethe)

To monologize is one of my greatest amusements. (O. Wilde)

One doesn‘t monologize enough nowadays. One is probably afraid to say the opinion to oneself. (J. Giradoux)
















  Copyright © 2010 Sarah Mock | All rights reserved | Imprint