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stones, paper, beamer, player, boxes
The installation (re)action refers to the topic of coincidence and contingency at several levels and has to be seen in connection with move and being moved.
First question: is this object action or reaction, does it mean moving or being moved? The viewer can see a human being moving under water inside the round wall.
A spontaneous notion of a human being swimming in a deep well comes up, immediately. The water represents the forces of coincidence in the entire installation.
The artist collected these forces from stories which people told- in the figurative sense, she drilled a well for searching the contingency, an artistic action.
On the other side, the well is only standing on the floor, there is no real hole. So the viewer now also can „drill“ and find another reading: the stones also can be seen
as an image for the wall, which the humans construct during their lives around themselves. There remains some place for bestiring oneself a little, but not for swimming around freely.
One will not be flushed away- but these unexpected occurences still happen.
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