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   Sarah Mock


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                                                                                                                                              is there a way out, 2011

                                                                                                                                              HD-video, 3'47''                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                                             (trailer circa 1 min)







is there a way out deals with thoughts about living and communication. The work moves into several levels. The first and last scenes play in reality, the artist watches out of a window. This looking into another space leads to another level of reality, the thougts and dreams. The place where the artist lives you can recognize, but it is of different material, which shows the fragility and oddity of the life there. The people there live close together but everybody alone, without dialogues between them. The only possibility to communicate is the internet, but this is more like a monologue. You are alone with yourself in your room. In a next level, you see the building flying in the space, which works as a metaphor for the feeling of being in this building, cut off from the outside. This image is in the same time in the „dream“ computer and the actor presses the „art“ button, as if she would press the „esc“ or „enter“ button.








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